Mountain Biking

    Travel tips

    Jun 27, 2024• by TravelLightLaura

    Bikes & Bogeys (Bella Vista, Arkansas)

    It was 1:40 a.m. on May 26. My brain and body jolted at a giant crack of thunder. Splashes of strobe lightning illuminated every dark corner of the bedroom. Rain pelted the glass sliding doors...

    May 16, 2024• by TravelLightLaura

    Moab Mountain Bike Menu

    Better to be late to the party than to miss the whole enchilada. The Whole Enchilada is a world-famous mountain bike trail in Moab that usually means a shuttle ride to an epic seasonal drop-off...

    Apr 12, 2024• by TravelLightLaura

    Mountain Bike the Mitten

    Most avid mountain bikers that visit the Mitten roll into Marquette or Copper Harbor, both epic trail systems. Copper Harbor is an IMBA Silver-level ride center, and Marquette is just a little behind...

    Nov 28, 2023• by TravelLightLaura

    Give the Gift of Travel (Five Mountain Bike Vacations)

    f you're like me, you're already scheming and planning for 2024 travel. And, since the holiday season is upon us, let's skip more stuff and give the gift of travel instead. What's on our 2024 wish...

    Oct 18, 2023• by TravelLightLaura

    Fall MTB Frisco, CO

    Mountain biking is better…when you are actually in the mountains! The biking we do at home in Michigan, at sea level, on dirt trails with no rocks, on gently rolling hills, I pondered. Is that...

    What is your best advice for
    traveling in Mountain Biking?

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