Travel tips Where to stay What to do

      Travel tips

      May 22, 2019• by Mohamed_Khalil

      History and culture of Egypt

      Egypt is the land of culture and history lies in Northeast Africa has a million square kilometers and more like 100 million inhabitants consists of 27 provinces and the capital is Cairo. From...

      May 19, 2019• by Mohamed_Khalil

      The history of Giza

      Beginning of the stone-building story was back in Sakkara more than 4600 years ago, where the ancient Egyptians started to use stones in construction for the first time. The architect Imhotep wanted...

      May 17, 2019• by Mohamed_Khalil

      The history and geography of Cairo

      Cairo or Al Qahira (Arabic) is the 21st capital of Egypt was 969 n.chr. Founded by the Fatimid dynasty about 165 km south of Alexandria on the Mediterranean and about 120 km west of Suez Canal and is...

      May 11, 2019• by Daniel

      5 Great places to see in Egypt

      Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the world’s most famous monuments, including the Giza pyramids, the Great Sphinx and the ancient temples of Luxor dating back thousands of...

      Apr 20, 2019• by Natty_Gal

      Channeling Cleopatra on a Nile River Cruise

      One of the highlights of our recent trip to Egypt was a Nile river ! We did extensive research prior to our trip and decided upon a five day sail aboard the Nour el Nil Malouka. Recently cited by...

      Nov 28, 2018• by Java_Private_Tour

      Art, Culture and History of the Old City of Jakarta

      Kota Tua Jakarta is a small area in West Jakarta and North Jakarta which has an area of 1.3 square kilometers across the road of Pinangsia, Jalan Roa Malaka and Jalan Taman Sari. because of...

      What to do

      Cairo, Egypt 2 days Pyramids & City Tours

      From $250 - $350 / person
      Cairo, Egypt
      2 days

      More details 

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