How to Get Cheap Food

By Planebeauty | Dec 6, 2021

If you're like me, you probably sometimes can't be bothered to cook dinner, so you pop to the shop and get something from the reduced section. The trouble is, sometimes there isn't anything good. Luckily, that's where the wonderful app Too Good To Go comes in to save the day.

What is it?

Too Good To Go is an app that helps save food waste. Often, shops have good food that hasn't been sold throughout the day but they have to get rid of it due to it being on its best before date. This is why there is often a lot of perfectly fine food on the reduced section in the evenings. It's also where Too Good To Go comes in.
Every day, certain shops have a number of magic bags to sell for a heavily reduced price. Inside comes a variety of random items, which adds to the element of excitement. They support it almost everywhere, even outside of the UK! I know I'm going to do it when I travel to a certain place in January.

What's inside?

It's completely random, however, depending on the shop you buy it from – expect some of their major items. For instance, when I bought from Greggs I got given sausage rolls and baguettes – which are some of Greggs most popular items.
Unfortunately, if you're vegetarian or vegan (or have other dietary restrictions) then sometimes it'll be a bit tricky to avoid meat items. For instance, I'm vegetarian and in one magic bag, I received a lot of vegan items with one meat item – not a problem though because I gave it to my boyfriend. However, when I bought it from Greggs the other day, the only things I could eat were the cakes – which I love but I wanted to eat ‘real food' too. So do keep this in mind.

Greggs Magic Bag

Greggs Magic Bag

How much is it?

Prices usually range from £2.50 to £8, depending on the shop. You usually get a lot more and better quality items the more you pay, though not always the case.
It's definitely something to try if you're looking to save money and want a lot to eat. You get given a lot of food for the price so sometimes you can't eat it all in one go. Therefore try and do it with someone else or keep it for the next day if you can.

Budget Food

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Written by Planebeauty
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