Travel tips Where to stay

      Travel tips

      Nov 25, 2021• by explorationalways

      Hostels vs Hotels: Choosing the Right Accommodation

      So you've decided on your adventure. After finding flights, the next logical step is to find places to stay. Something that can trip many people up is choosing what type of venue to stay in...

      Nov 7, 2019• by thesumoftravel

      Five Easy Ways to Save Money on Accommodation

      The cost of accommodation can be an expensive part of your travels, especially if like to stay in hotels. But of all the travel categories, the cost of accommodation is the one that is the easiest to...

      Feb 21, 2019• by TegloGoes

      How to Combat Loneliness When Traveling Solo

      Being a solo traveler is amazing in so many ways. You can go where you want, when you want. You can choose activities that you’re interested in. You can take a nap if you want one or eat ice cream...

      Oct 31, 2021• by StreetviewVagabond

      Build an Experience: Triangulate Streetview, Google Maps and AirBnb

      Why do we travel after all? I mean you can experience the Mona Lisa better in your own home than you can while trapezing through the Louvre. Yet we still go. We go for the experience. So plan your...

      Jan 17, 2021• by tripkygo

      Discover South India in Less than 3 Weeks

      Information for a travel in South India Best time to visit South India is December to March. The days are hot and the nights cool. We left in February 2020, the weather was great with only one day...

      Dec 21, 2020• by travellewithelle

      The Truth About Hostels

      When I travel alone, everyone is curious to know what my accommodations are and how I am able to afford them. When I mention a hostel stay, most people have this look on their face of shock or worry...

      Where to stay

      Jaeger's Munich

      $15 - $150 / 2 
      Munich, Germany

      More details 

      Your Home in Athens

      $30 - $75 / 2 
      Athens, Greece

      More details 

      More accommodations