Travel tips

      Jan 2, 2020• by Meredith_SD

      Travel Tips from a Bag Lady: Cuba

      There aren’t many humans I encounter that aren’t spilling over with questions after finding out that I have traveled to Cuba. I get it. I was the same way when I first began researching the...

      Aug 18, 2019• by AdventuresInFluency

      The Origins of "Pura Vida" in Costa Rica

      What is “pura vida?” “Pura vida” means "pure life" in Spanish. It is the single most used expression in Costa Rica. It is a response to “Cómo estás?” It means, “life is great.” It...

      Jan 8, 2019• by Solo_World_Wanderer

      Common Mistakes Travelers to Spain Make

      It seems that everyone on the internet has an opinion lately about traveling in Spain. People who have been to Spain once for only a few days or just passed through like to advise others about...

      Dec 13, 2018• by randrwander

      Carry Cash in Japan

      Today's tip is almost an extension to my other tip while in Japan where I explained the value of the Passmo card. This tip however is to make sure you carry cash in Japan. Despite major cities in...

      Sep 13, 2018• by xim

      Phrasebook: Basic Spanish for travel

      These are a few key words and expressions that have come in very handy while travelling. Try to learn these -or the ones that most apply to your situation- when visiting any of the many...

      Aug 16, 2018• by Gipsytizen

      Cash or credit card for your vacation?

      I think this is a very controversial topic and many experts differ when is time to make the main decision: Cash or Credit Card when traveling outside your country most specifically a country with a...