Travel tips

      Dec 13, 2019• by Planet_Bananna

      The Ethical Traveller 101: Things to be mindful of while abroad

      Living ethically in our own countries can be hard enough sometimes – you start to do extensive research in one topic and now that you’ve opened Pandorras box, there’s countless other...

      Sep 14, 2019• by augustinetours

      Tips to Stay Responsible and Ethical While Traveling

      Prior to speaking about ethical or responsible travel whatever you may call it, allow me to discuss travel on a general level. In this modern era, taking trips to a given destination has been...

      May 28, 2019• by Ziggy_Camp

      Interacting with Elephants in Thailand

      All you have to do is google elephant cruelty, and you can see the abuse of elephants done in the name of tourism. So how do you have a positive interaction for your kids with elephants without...

      Apr 6, 2019• by echoeartheffect

      6 tips you need to know before visiting Thailand

      The 'Land of Smiles' is a wonderful country which brings in thousands of happy travellers every year. I wanted to share some need-to-know tips that I wish I knew before visiting the country for...

      Sep 28, 2018• by lori

      5 Tips for Ethical Travel

      Ethical travel is simply being aware of your choices and the impact you are making when you travel. Ethical travel can be anything from eating and buying locally to being conscious of what...