Travel tips

      May 26, 2020• by Preety

      How to Keep Your Money Safe While Traveling

      Planning to travel somewhere and saving money for that? Then surely you must be worried about how to carry that money safely while enjoying the trip right? Also, a few of us might have some...

      May 25, 2020• by Hungry_Wandering_Konks

      The Complete Uzbekistan Travel Guide 2020

      Salam! Planning on backpacking in Uzbekistan? If you are a history buff, marvel at ancient architecture, drool at delicious food and get excited exploring the roads less traveled, this Central Asian...

      May 20, 2020• by TheDailyPackers

      The Money Stuff in Argentina for Travellers

      While in most country you can withdraw quite easily cash, it is not the same story in Argentina. We had with us some Euros cash and without thinking about anything, started exchanging it for...

      Apr 3, 2020• by shaz_onthemove

      Buying a SIM Card in Kenya

      There is a well-developed communication system for both domestic and international services. Phone and internet are the most common means of communication in Kenya. The internet, email and...

      Apr 1, 2020• by lionsdetour

      Practical Skills That Can Make You Money While Travelling

      If you have a set of skills that are in demand in different locations, you will find it easier to travel for longer. Having money is an important factor to afford food, accommodation and have...

      Mar 3, 2020• by thistlesandcoos

      10 Creative Ways To Save Money For Your Next Trip

      “You don’t have to be rich to travel well.” ~Eugene Fodor If you say you can’t afford to travel, then STOP THAT. Please don't misunderstand us, we don’t encourage drowning in debt...