Travel tips

      Sep 25, 2019• by EclecticEmissary

      NY v.s. LA: Best City for a 4 Day Getaway

      Sometimes you have just enough time for a short getaway. You want to go somewhere cool but with so many options how do you decide? Why not choose between the two titans of the US, New York City or...

      Sep 2, 2019• by AdventuresInFluency

      Lagoons and Venetian Gondolas Minutes from San Francisco

      Venice, Italy has a calming, hypnotic effect that can put you in a trace. On a sunny day, the light breeze snows down flowers from the trees. The traffic of the Grand Canal bobs and bounces, each...

      Aug 25, 2019• by AdventuresInFluency

      Love the Cloud Forest of Monteverde, Visit Sutro Forest

      In the cloud forests of Monteverde in Costa Rica, I love watching the swirling ballet of clouds dance in the wind from the bay window of our rental house. The rain drops making staccato rhythms...

      Aug 16, 2019• by AdventuresInFluency

      Filoli Gardens is the Giverny of the Bay Area

      Giverny is the home of Claude Monet, the famous impressionist painter who created giant canvases of The Water Lilies that can be found in the Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris. Giverny is located in...

      Jun 3, 2019• by GlobeWatchers

      Visiting Alcatraz Federal Prison

      Hi everyone! Here we are again with another adventure. This time we had an incredible, yet scary experience and it had everything to do with a prison. Not just a prison, but the Alcatraz...

      Apr 27, 2019• by GlobeWatchers

      What to visit in Los Angeles!

      Hi there! Long time no see. Currently we are traveling (roadtripping) through the USA and Canada, so we can definitely give you guys some ideas of what to visit in Los Angeles (our first stop...