Travel tips

      Jun 11, 2019• by marydesignedadventure

      Southeast Asia Visa Information

      Planning a trip around Southeast Asia? Great news!! You will have an amazing time! Southeast Asia is full of rich culture, tasty food, and generous people. If you are planning to move around to a...

      May 20, 2019• by roamertraveller

      Watch out for the "shops" in Egypt

      So being totally in awe of the sights may take its toll. Depending on your tour company / guide that you are planning to use in Cairo. From personal experience, you think that after spending...

      Mar 19, 2019• by mortonsecure1

      Navigating Customs at a Port of Entry

      Have you ever felt apprehensive about entering a foreign country? If yes, welcome to the club. If no, then you are very far. A common cause for traveler anxiety is entry and...

      Dec 10, 2018• by trawickinternational

      Passport PSA!

      Quick Tip: A torn or water-damaged passport is no longer considered a valid identification, so make sure to protect your passport by storing it in a waterproof cover, or for a quick and easy...

      Nov 22, 2018• by TheCatalanRoamer

      Taking a taxi when you are five people in Beijing

      Last summer I could spend some time in Beijing, the capital of China. I usually used to go out around the city in a group of five so it was sometimes difficult to take taxis, as they are all...

      Nov 20, 2018• by Bigaltravelcompanion

      Protecting Our Interest When Taking a Taxi In Hong Kong

      To protect your interest, it is better to keep yourself well informed before riding on a taxi. In Hong Kong, the carrying capacity of a taxi is limited to five passengers by local law. To avoid...