Staying in Germany

Travel tips Where to stay What to do

      Travel tips

      Mar 23, 2021• by Techno_Mads

      The 8 Cheapest European Cities to Visit on a Budget 2021

      Europe represents a compelling blend of vibrant culture, striking landscape and rich history on the one hand and a money-guzzling beast on the other. Sadly, European city breaks are far from renowned...

      Jun 28, 2020• by Wanderwoman_789

      Perfect Guide for A Weekend in Cologne!

      Cologne has a history that spans over 2000 years! Almost 2000 years ago, it was under the Roman Empire and the Romans called it "Colonia". It was an important trade town that has seen French rule as...

      Jan 28, 2025• by Susanne

      Exploring Berlin’s WWII and Cold War History: A Journey Through Time

      Berlin's history is a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, division, and reunification. Walking through its streets today, one can still feel the echoes of WWII and the Cold War in the...

      Jan 13, 2024• by mattiberlin

      How to Get to Potsdam from Berlin

      A day trip to Potsdam from Berlin is most certainly worth it. But watch out! Most travellers underestimate the scale of Potsdam. There's a lot more to it than just Sanssouci palace. Potsdam is...

      Jan 4, 2024• by mattiberlin

      The Top 10 Things to Do in Berlin

      Are you heading to Berlin and wondering what to do? Here's a list of the top 10 things that you should not miss! Explore the iconic Brandenburg Gate, a historic symbol steeped in significance...

      May 17, 2021• by wasatch

      Island Hopping in Bavaria

      Starting southeast of Munich, a good gateway airport (hint: rental cars are usually much cheaper in the city than at the airport), and traveling west by road or rail: 1] Herrenchiemsee Island with...

      What to do

      Serengeti & Ngorongoro - 3 days safari

      From $650 / person
      Arusha, Tanzania
      3 days

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