Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Dec 2, 2018• by dasomh

      Hot places to go when you're in South Korea

      I recommend 3 places to go when you're in South Korea. The Han River is a river that passes through Seoul. There are points for each region in the Han River. I usually go to Jamwon district...

      Apr 4, 2018• by Clem

      Korean ATMs: withdrawing money in South Korea without fees

      If you own a foreign credit card, such as a Visa or a Mastercard, most ATMs in South Korea will have withdrawal fees (usually from around ₩3,000 to around ₩5,000) for international...

      Jan 21, 2019• by Tambo_Travel

      Tambo tips for visiting the great white continent

      “We had seen God in His splendours, heard the text that Nature renders. We had reached the naked soul of man,” wrote explorer Ernest Shackleton during his final trip across Antarctica. This...

      Mar 8, 2024• by TravelLightLaura

      Mountain Magic, Winter Park CO

      A rocky mountain ski trip is winter magic: snow-capped views above 10,000 feet, delightful apres-ski toasts with ski buddies, ripping a top-to-bottom run on packed powder, and a soak in the...

      Dec 10, 2023• by SuitcaseTravelBlog

      Best 5 Ice and Snow Festivals for 2023-2024

      Winter is my favorite season. This is one of the most beautiful times to enjoy various activities and sights. I would like to take you on the winter wonderland adventure to some of the Best 5...

      Mar 7, 2022• by BackpackandRepeat

      Hidden Gems of India – Auli

      Hello everyone! Hope you all are well. Our country has many such places which are splendid and beautiful but unfortunately never get recognition. We all have some kind of mindset that if we want to...