Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Dec 19, 2018• by InfiniteVortexofLight

      Traveling Smart in Ethiopia

      Ethiopia is a country very familiar with foreigners, and tourists, therefore many here are well adapted to people not knowing much about what is going on when visiting from another place.Some people ...

      Dec 18, 2018• by bayangotours

      Tanzania Travel Destinations Tips

      Where is Tanzania? What can you see in Tanzania? Who live in Tanzania and their nature? What is the heart of Tanzania travel industry? Tanzania is located in the East Africa, it's headquarter was...

      Oct 16, 2018• by Stephanie_Mouawad

      101 general Travel Tips

      Here are 101 general travel tips you can consnsider before and during your travel journeys. Start traveling. Don’t hesitate or postpone your travels because you don’t know what the future...

      Aug 27, 2018• by Gttravelblog

      6 Tips for Planning the Perfect Daycation

      The first thing to consider when doing a daycation is your destination of course. When travelling for a day, I would recommend going somewhere that is maximum 2 hours’ travelling distance from your...

      Mar 28, 2018• by liu_tw

      A guide to Taroko National Park

      Taroko Gorge is a National Park located on the Eastern Coast of Taiwan, around 150km away from Taipei. The mountains are crossed by the Liwu River, forming a 20km-long canyon. The easiest way...

      Mar 19, 2018• by liu_tw

      Taiwan's Kenting National Park without a car or a scooter

      Most guidebooks or blog posts about Kenting National Park will tell you to rent a scooter, but you can actually do without. That leaves you with two main options: walking and taking the bus. All this...