Tanzania Travel Destinations Tips

By bayangotours | Dec 18, 2018
Africa > Tanzania

Where is Tanzania? What can you see in Tanzania? Who live in Tanzania and their nature? What is the heart of Tanzania travel industry?
Tanzania is located in the East Africa, it's headquarter was located in Dar Es Salaam from when the country got independence on 1961 December 9th. But currently the head quarter of the currently is shifted to Dodoma the city located in the central part of the country. Therefore Dar Es Salaam remain as the country main business center.

The country of Tanzania contain people of different tribes but all of them are united by the national language Kiswahili and English.
There are different ways someone can get to Tanzania from outside include airports. The popular airports are Juliusi Nyerere International airport, Kilimanjaro International airport, Zanzibar airport and Mwanza airport. These are the main airports for the flights from outside the country. But in each region there is airport too.
Also you can get to Tanzania by bus from Kenya (the neighbor country), Uganda, and South African by land.

Economic and social activities

The popular economic activities in Tanzania include: Mining, Agriculture, Trade, Fishing and Tourism. Tanzania get many tourists from different countries across the world who come to visit mountain Kilimanjaro, Mountain Meru and wildlife safaris.
Mountain Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa with 5895 meters above the sea level and it attract many climbers from the world.
Investment Policy; Tanzania welcomes everyone interested in investing in different social and economic activities.

Also in Tanzania there are many popular wildlife national parks including Serengeti national park, Ngorongoro crater, Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Mikumi, Ruaha, Selous, Lake Victoria and Gombe national parks. There are so many national parks in Tanzania just to mention the few. However the the country is accessible throughout the year though there are some short period of heavy rains. [Therefor the person interested to visit this beautiful country should ask the advise of the heavy rain months.

Tanzania Health Facts

The person interested to visit Tanzania is always advised to consult the doctor about yellow fever and Malaria diseases. Also medical services are available in Tanzania throughout the country for medical consultations.

Street safety

A person visiting Tanzania can move and interact with locals but you should not move alone during the night time until you've someone who know well the environment.

Money Issues

Tanzania use it's local currency the Tshs but you can also use USD, EUROS, POUNDS, and other currencies for tourist services. There are shops for exchanging currency in each city which open for 12 hours from 8:30 AM to 20:00PM. Also banks and ATMs are available throughout the country.

In Tanzania airports it's not allowed to pass the airport with more than $10,000/= cash per person without the letter from your institutions about your cash. It's not that you can not arrive in Tanzania with $100,000/= cash but you should be with supportive letter or document from your country on that money otherwise it can be forfeited and counted as money laundering by the authorities concern. If you've more questions on this please ask advise before arriving in the country to avoid loss and other problems.

Food and Hotels

In the local areas you can buy food for $1, in some hotels you can buy food for $7-20 depending on the food type. Drinks are sold between $2-5 in the street and $10-50 depending on the type of drink. Also hotels are available in all cities in Tanzania which cost between $15-200 depending on the type of the hotel.

Tanzania Accommodation Africa Safety Transportation

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