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      Travel tips

      May 21, 2019• by roamertraveller

      Cairo & surrounds - Must see spots

      Are you planning to head to Cairo and not sure what there is to see or what you are wanting to see while you are there? Well here are my 5 top sites to check out while you are there. Everyone...

      May 19, 2019• by Mohamed_Khalil

      The history of Giza

      Beginning of the stone-building story was back in Sakkara more than 4600 years ago, where the ancient Egyptians started to use stones in construction for the first time. The architect Imhotep wanted...

      May 17, 2019• by Mohamed_Khalil

      The history and geography of Cairo

      Cairo or Al Qahira (Arabic) is the 21st capital of Egypt was 969 n.chr. Founded by the Fatimid dynasty about 165 km south of Alexandria on the Mediterranean and about 120 km west of Suez Canal and is...

      May 17, 2019• by roamertraveller

      Take extra cash in Egypt

      The post title says really. Not sure if it was the tour company that we used or it is normal, though please make sure you bring extra cash (Egyptian Pounds) with you when visiting sites. In...

      May 16, 2019• by roamertraveller

      2 days is not enough

      The post title says it all. Two days in Luxor was not enough. I knew that there was a lot to see and do, but once on the ground, the volume of sites totally blew my mind. In doing the research...

      May 11, 2019• by Daniel

      5 Great places to see in Egypt

      Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the world’s most famous monuments, including the Giza pyramids, the Great Sphinx and the ancient temples of Luxor dating back thousands of...

      What to do

      Cairo, Egypt 2 days Pyramids & City Tours

      From $250 - $350 / person
      Cairo, Egypt
      2 days

      More details 

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