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    Travel tips

    Dec 7, 2024• by Crazytravelwoman123

    Solo Travel in Edinburgh for Halloween

    I've been to Edinburgh once before with friends and always wanted to go back. So 5 years later I booked a two night solo trip for Halloween and I was very excited. I arrived in Edinburgh at 4pm...

    Dec 6, 2024• by JenniferHardy

    Gozo for the Solo Traveller

    Gozo is a generally safe destination for those looking to travel alone in a laid-back environment surrounded by natural beauty. As one of the three islands of Malta and known as the little...

    Dec 6, 2024• by gentianagjyshka

    Tirana Tales: A Stroll Through Albania's Capital

    I couldn't help but wonder: if cities were cocktails, what flavor would Tirana be? Tirana, Albania's charming capital, is like a beautifully curated collage of old and new, a patchwork quilt...

    Aug 10, 2024• by Alexj55

    The Duomo in Florence: A Comprehensive Guide

    The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Duomo, stands as a testament to Florence's rich history and architectural brilliance. This iconic structure, with its stunning...

    Apr 17, 2024• by SuitcaseTravelBlog

    Thursday Travels: Pont Alexandre III, Paris

    Pont Alexandre III is one of the most gorgeous and elegant bridges in Paris, represents the peace in relationship between France and Russia. In 1900, Russian Tsar Nicholas II personally placed...

    What is your best advice for
    traveling in Europe?

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