The real pirates of the Caribbean
Campeche is the lost treasure of Mexico in all the ways you can imagine, is a quiet beautiful city that hasn’t been spoiled by massive tourism, right in the Golf of Mexico is not far from beautiful beaches and has one of the most interesting histories in Mexico, the most attacked city by pirates, the only walked city and a sea of colors in every house made it now a UNESCO world heritage.
Now the walls are no longer the military defense they once were, now the are the reminder of the past of vibrant city and a beautiful landmark of the whole world to see.
The museums of the city (many of them free) offer a window to another world and ideas and debunk the myths we may have of what the pirate life really was. But also not taking away the magic and romance of the idea of the seas.
The wall that were taken down for a health issue in the early 1900s were built again so that we never forget where we come from and now they stand proud as a symbol of identity.
Every bastion of the fortress city tells a story that is guaranteed to be fun and entertaining for all the members of your family.