Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Nov 24, 2021• by Planebeauty

      How to Find the Cheapest Flights

      Welcome back to my 2nd Triptipedia post! In this post, I'll explain how I find the cheapest flights out there to go travelling so much, and also – who doesn't love cheap flights?! Google Flights...

      May 12, 2021• by ebonytravelers

      Travel and Organization

      For the savvy traveler, planning and organizing a trip is an absolute must for a great travel experience. Numerous things can go wrong and are not in your control when you're traveling. However...

      May 8, 2021• by Picture_Me_Traveling

      For Love of Airports: How to Actually Enjoy Your Time at the Airport

      There is something about being in an airport that somehow speaks to me. For most people, this is the worst part of the trip. The crowds, the walking, the shuffling to and fro. In any other...

      Apr 19, 2021• by ebonytravelers

      Before You Travel

      Many times, travelers get so excited about taking a trip and their destination expectations, they forget to plan for the actual trip. One should do many things to prepare before you travel, but from...

      Feb 2, 2021• by ebonytravelers

      Assumptions, Travel and Micro-Aggression

      I spent twenty-three years in the airline industry as an international flight attendant. Many of those first years I was often the only person of color on the crew. Therefore, my experiences in...

      Jan 5, 2021• by ebonytravelers

      5 Flight Attendant Annoyances

      There are many things that flight attendants find annoying. Some are more annoying than others, and some may not be an annoyance based on the individual flight attendant. The following are some that...