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      Travel tips

      Nov 22, 2019• by travelwithjules

      5 Reasons To Visit Odessa Ukraine

      A French man, a former governor appointed by Catherine the Great of Imperial Russia: Armand-Emmanuel Sophie Septimanie de Vignerot du Plessis, 5th Duke of Richelieu and Fronsac, who is simply known...

      Nov 6, 2019• by RoaringRomania

      How expensive is it to party in Bucharest?

      Well, considering the amount of stag and bachelorette parties in the Old Town, not that expensive. A pint of beer, even in the more expensive places in the Old Town doesn’t go beyond 24 Lei (aprox...

      Jul 31, 2019• by Nikolas_PP

      Don't stay too close to Prague city center

      Alright, it's not a secret, Prague is getting loaded with tourists. I would be tempted to say "don't go there", but it's a beautiful and unique city. It's worth a visit. So here's what I'll say...

      Jul 10, 2019• by adventuresoftheexpat

      5 Tips for Adventuring in London That Won't Break Your Bank

      London is one of the most amazing cities in the world with all the awe and wonder it has to offer. London is certainly not the cheapest city in the world to travel to or even to adventure around...

      Jul 8, 2019• by Budget_Bucket_List

      3 Golden Rules to Travel Sofia on a Budget

      People told me Sofia is delightful, and they were right. People told me Sofia is pretty damn cheap, but they were wrong. Maybe it was because I spent several months hitchhiking through the...

      Oct 3, 2021• by Ale

      ATM withdrawal in Spain without fees

      In Spain, you'll find that most ATMs ("cajero automático" in Spanish, "caixer" in Catalan) have a withdrawing fee for international cards like Visa/Mastercard. ATMs are legally required to indicate...

      Where to stay

      Forget your typical B&B, the luxury VILLA that's right for you!

      $150 - $380 / 2 
      Capo Miseno, Bacoli, Italy

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      What to do

      Tour di 8 ore Pompei Sorrento Positano

      From $85 / person
      Napoli, Italy
      8 hours

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