Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Nov 8, 2019• by Gotravelwithpurpose

      Morocco at a Second Glance

      When writing these posts I want to be transparent about the good and bad sides of the places we visit, and provide you with my first impressions contrasted against the more fair second...

      Mar 15, 2019• by courtneyjancetic

      Saturnia Hot Springs Adventure!

      Saturnia is a stunning hot sping located in the Tuscan country-side. It is not easily accessible by anything but a car. I am from Canada and only drive automatic… and this is one of the major...

      Feb 21, 2019• by TegloGoes

      How to Combat Loneliness When Traveling Solo

      Being a solo traveler is amazing in so many ways. You can go where you want, when you want. You can choose activities that you’re interested in. You can take a nap if you want one or eat ice cream...

      Jan 16, 2019• by Blowinginthewind

      Things to do in Pucón, Chile

      Pucón is one of my favorite places in the world, because there you can do practically anything. It is located in the south of Chile, in the Araucanía Region. From Santiago, you can go either by bus...

      Dec 6, 2018• by lifepilgrimage

      When it all goes wrong...

      The most important thing to remember when traveling is that when mishaps happen (and they will happen), there is one thing you should never lose! And what is that most precious of things? Your...

      Nov 4, 2018• by Heather

      Visiting Flinders Ranges in South Autralia

      While travelling in the Port Augusta region consider visiting the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, Australia. Beautiful and stunning scenery. Port Augusta has many interesting attractions...