Travel tips Where to stay What to do

      Travel tips

      Apr 17, 2023• by tajmahalagra

      Overview of Nameri National Park

      Nameri National Park is located in the district of Sonitpur, Assam is known for its Tiger reserve after Manas National Park. The nearest city to Nameri National Park is Tezpur at a distance of 35 km...

      Mar 28, 2021• by theadventuretravelr

      My First Adventurous Trip - Part II

      This is the 2nd and the final part of my adventurous trip to Ajodhya Hills in West Bengal (If you have not read the first part, please read it first, link below). It was quite nice to bring back all...

      Mar 11, 2021• by thewanderingpen18

      How the Andamans Lit My Christmas up With the Best Scuba Diving in India

      For a social butterfly like me, the holidays are the best time of the year. Christmas and New Year parties were abundant and I was always surrounded by friends and family. Moving to Chennai for a new...

      Oct 2, 2019• by Come2Borneo

      Adventures in Tanjung Puting National Park

      Indonesia has thousands of islands, each and every one with their own charm, their own identity and their own culture. To recommend one specific place in this enormous country is almost impossible...

      Apr 19, 2019• by anuragkshl

      The land of Bagh - Corbett (India)

      Jim Corbett National Park takes pride in being the oldest established National Park within the geographical boundaries of Asian Continent. It was declared as a National Park in 1936. Another...

      Apr 17, 2019• by We_are_Sumatra

      See Orangutans in Sumatra, Indonesia

      The only home to the critically endangered Sumatran Orangutan, Sumatra should be at the top of your list if you want to see these incredible "people of the forest," in the wild. Pushed to the...

      Where to stay

      RNV Family Guesthouse Eco-Resort

      $30 - $40 / 2 
      Batu Karas, Indonesia

      More details 

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