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      Travel tips

      Jan 23, 2020• by KiwiTalksTravel

      A Beginner's Guide To: Bali

      Bali is one of the most popular tourist destinations for Kiwis and Australians, and you’re about to find out why. If you’ve never been to Bali, let me break it down for you. It’s an...

      Dec 14, 2019• by thetraveldeck

      East Bali Day Trip Itinerary

      East Bali is a lesser known part of the island though undoubtedly it is still scattered with remarkable landscapes, landmarks and beaches. Through this day trip you will get to experience...

      Dec 6, 2019• by voyageandsoul

      What to Know Before Traveling to Bali

      Are you planning a trip to Bali? Congrats guys and gals, you are packing your bags for one of the most beautiful and relaxed places on this planet. This destination is no secret to the travel...

      Dec 6, 2019• by thetraveldeck

      Bali Wasn't What We Expected

      After 6 months travelling around South East Asia, we finally decided to take a flight over to Indonesia's most popular island, Bali. One thing which kept coming to mind was, “but is Bali...

      Nov 30, 2019• by thetraveldeck

      5 Great Bali Travel Tips

      These are our 5 best Bali travel tips from our 4 months traveling through Bali and its neighboring islands. We got a Telkomsel Simpati SIM Card and the best internet package we had is 'Kuota...

      Nov 25, 2019• by TraveltothePoint

      An Introduction to Jakarta - Get an Idea before you visit

      Rachael and I (Arran) are qualified teachers back in the UK. We lived in London for 2 years and decided to pack up and see the South East Asia. The border of Central and North Jakarta. Jakarta...

      Where to stay

      RNV Family Guesthouse Eco-Resort

      $30 - $40 / 2 
      Batu Karas, Indonesia

      More details 

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