Travel tips

      Jan 26, 2019• by Out_and_about

      Bako National Park – Natural juwel

      Bako National Park is with 27 km² the smallest and the oldest national park Sarawaks. It is located on a peninsula one hour north of Kuching and is definitely worth a visit. Fauna, Flora...

      Aug 6, 2018• by Daniel_Levoho

      Going from Kuching (Sarawak) to Belaga

      Belaga is the remotest little town of Sarawak along the Rejang river. You have a few ways to get to Belaga from Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak, as a gate way into our country. Take a express...

      Feb 3, 2020• by NinaZee

      Travel Documents: What Is The Best One For You?

      There are so many changes going on right now with travel. With Brexit beginning today, and all of the different airport programs, I figured I would gather everything into one place so it is easier to...

      Mar 19, 2019• by mortonsecure1

      Navigating Customs at a Port of Entry

      Have you ever felt apprehensive about entering a foreign country? If yes, welcome to the club. If no, then you are very far. A common cause for traveler anxiety is entry and...

      Dec 10, 2018• by trawickinternational

      Passport PSA!

      Quick Tip: A torn or water-damaged passport is no longer considered a valid identification, so make sure to protect your passport by storing it in a waterproof cover, or for a quick and easy...

      Feb 27, 2018• by traveller_tommy

      Take your passport with you to book transport tickets

      When buying bus, train or boat tickets at the counter, some countries require you to show your passport. It is not always the case, and it is more frequent with trains and boats than buses. Take...