Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Aug 16, 2019• by PokerPilgrim

      Montreal in the Winter: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

      Montreal is one of the most complex cities we have ever visited. It is culturally rich, steeped in history, and ground zero for French-English bi-culturalism. It is also an industrial port, forged by...

      Aug 3, 2019• by PokerPilgrim

      How to Spend Four Fabulous Days in Chicago

      Recently, my daughter and I visited the city of Chicago in celebration of her high school graduation. While I had been to the city of Chicago twice before, both were very brief trips. I have always...

      Jul 24, 2019• by PokerPilgrim

      How To Spend a Fabulous Day in Toronto

      Spending a single day in a major city is the speed dating of travel. What can you report other than the city is "kind of attractive, and seems to have a decent personality"? However, after our day in...

      Mar 15, 2019• by FloridaFamilyFunTravel

      Visiting Blue Man Group Orlando

      Looking for a fun, family-friendly experience in Orlando? Blue Man Group may just be the show you’re looking for! You and your family will enjoy experiencing the mystery, the humor and the...

      Feb 12, 2019• by Spiritual_Travels

      Eat at a local, not touristy night market in Taipei

      Taipei is internationally renowned for its night markets. Some of the country's best food can be enjoyed on the streets, and greater Taipei alone has more than 30 major night markets and countless...

      Feb 16, 2018• by mvea

      Historical battle reenactments in Bratislava

      A few times a year, Bratislava hosts historical battle reenactments in the Janko Kráľ Park. Hundreds of actors with original costumes and weapons take part in the event and the result is...