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    Travel tips

    Nov 30, 2023• by byfoodandtravel

    10 Unique Things to Do After a Visit to Acropolis

    Everyone visiting Athens should make time to see the Acropolis at least once. It is one of the most well-known monuments in the world and the city's icon. After visiting Acropolis, there are a...

    Nov 22, 2023• by Crazytravelwoman123

    Solo Trip to London

    In October I took my first solo trip for two nights. I chose London as I have been here a number of times and felt like I would know the city well enough to travel around by myself. There were a...

    Oct 15, 2023• by SuitcaseTravelBlog

    Gigantic Chairs Around the World: Exploring Beyond Borders!

    Hello everyone, are you ready to embark on an entertaining journey across the globe, where enormous chairs take the spotlight in the most unexpected places? Today, we're diving into the story...

    Aug 5, 2023• by seniorglobetrotters

    You Must Visit Split

    Split is the second-largest city in Croatia and the largest city on the Croatian coast. It is an excellent point to start exploring the beauties of Croatia. The city is easy to reach by plane...

    Jul 25, 2023• by SuitcaseTravelBlog

    Why is Belgian Chocolate So Favorite and the Best Treat in the World?

    Chocolate is the best treat in the world and a fantastic mood booster. I'm one of those people who absolutely love chocolate and can't imagine life without it. Belgian chocolate is a...

    What is your best advice for
    traveling in Europe?

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