One of the last cities I was able to visit prior to the Covid-19 outbreak was arguably one of my favorite in the country, New Orleans, Louisiana. Arguably too, the info that I am going to share with you is impacted by Covid as well. My hope and prayer for New Orleans is that it can resume some resemblance of normal life there following all this. It is arguably, one of the most culturally rich cities in the states. Part of that culture? You guessed it! Food.

Shrimp Pasta
A lot of people think that to get the food experience you have to go down to the French Quarter to get the full food experience. Places like Brennan's; Cafe DuMonde, Commander's Palace, and Mothers typically roll off the tongue when talking about restaurants in NOLA, but well….that's not entirely true. You don't always have to go to the “known” places in New Orleans to get great food. Great restaurants and food experiences are scattered all over New Orleans, and this is one city where you can certainly eat yourself silly and love every minute of it.
In the Hyatt Regency on Loyola lies Borgne Restaurant and it is fabulous. It's proximity to the dome, and the Smoothie King Arena make it a great pre-game stop, it's also a great place to celebrate a wonderful accomplishment/special event in your life, or just to have a great night on the town. It stretches front to back and has both open seating and secluded seating as well.
Be prepared to pay a bit, but it's worth it. The seafood and the fresh French bread alone made this stop an experience.
If you are looking for a quiet stop in a fun day of sightseeing, a place to sit down and “chill” that is an easy we have had nothing but good experiences at Cafe Masperos. With a good wide range of food including but not limited to chicken, seafood, ham, burgers, the options are wide, reasonably priced and a great environment to boot. The location is great right on Decatur about two blocks-ish from Jackson Square and just a few blocks away from beignets too if you are in need of one of the famed sweet treats of Nawlins. If you get in on the last half of the dinner window music may be a part of your meal along the way too!
Speaking of beignets, while I will be the first to say make your way to Cafe DuMonde, the locals will tell you that Cafe Beignet is a good stop too and I would tend to agree with them. The beignets are great and the breakfast, lunch, dinner “cafe” options are just as good and is a great place to start, end or pause your day while strolling through the quarter.
We'll revisit New Orleans later regarding things to do and places to see, but with this being a “food series” at the moment, these are three great options for you that aren't always in the first line of thought, are all audience capable as well as have a great overall experience.